Playoff Pick Sheet (Divisional Round)

The Divisional Playoff round is here.

This is true big boy football.  The moment legends are made.

It’s crazy to think that The Super Bowl Champion lurks among these eight teams.

Who will it be?  Here’s your opportunity to make the call.

So…if you haven’t participated yet, we do The Playoffs a bit differently.

I covered all you need to know in The Playoff post but here’s a quick refresher:

  1. The cost is $22 per sheet.  I want to make this clear – for The Playoffs, the stakes increase.
  2. Pick the Winners of the games as usual
  3. Each seed is given a “points value” with higher seeds being worth more points (as they are generally less likely to Win).
  4. The closing game of the weekend (Minnesota vs. Los Angeles(N)) is on Monday Night–see?  And you thought we were done with that!  As usual, that matchup will have the tiebreaker rules applied to it.  Select the total points scored as normal.
  5. The Winner will be the person that gets the most games right.  So the order will be:
    * Total number of games picked. You pick the most games correctly, you Win
    * If the game totals are the same, then the person with the most points from Winning seeds Wins
    * Total points scored in the last matchup is the 3rd tiebreaker.  This order alone should determine a Champion

Honestly, it’s pretty straightforward.

Assigning point values to the teams adds an element of skill to things.

The purpose of the seeding points is to reward those that correctly determine the Winners (favoring those that correctly pick upsets).

Are we clear?  Good.

Here’s the sheet:

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Since the action begins on Saturday I’ll need the sheets by Saturday at 12 noon.

This way, everything is squared early.  You can sit back, eat your popcorn & enjoy the action!

As always, hit me up if you have any questions/concerns.  Once again, check out The Playoffs post as there are examples on how this works.

Lastly, let me wish you Good Luck!

I know you will have fun.