[Archives] Week 13: And The Winner Is…

A slugfest Monday Night game brings Week 13 to a close.

And of course you know what that means: time to crown this week’s Pick’Em Champion.

This week we entered some new waters.

The lead player all weekend got caught by one of the trailing players.

Remember, the standing policy of the Football Pick ‘Em is NO SPLIT POTS!!

So we’s got us a tie to break.

Simple, right?  Well…

Okay.  So our player in the lead took Jacksonville, with 32 total points.  Our challenger picked Cincinnati, with a total points score of……32!

On we go to the tiebreaker format.

From that post…

1. Points

The Monday Night Game is the tiebreaker.  Simply predict the total combined points scored in the ballgame.  If there is a tie, whomever is closet to the actual score Wins.

There is no penalty for guessing a higher total than the score.  Once again, the closest pick to the final score Wins.

No good.  Both players selected the exact same number of points.  On to tiebreaker #2…


2. Winning Percentage

Again, no good (I’m going to change this one in the Offseason).  Both players have the same Win %.


3. Underdog Picks

Going this far should be rare.  But just in case this tiebreaker involves use of the points spread…

Okay.  Now we got something cookin’.

Underdog picks are defined as the teams that were not favored to Win actually Winning.

So, whomever got the most underdog picks correct Wins the week & the dough.

Here we go.

There were three underdog Victories this week (lines courtesy of ESPN.com)

Arizona Won, but both competitors selected correctly.  Next game.

Green Bay pulls off a spectacular Home upset!  But neither player correctly selected this game.  Next.

Here we are.

Our player formerly in the lead took favored Jacksonville to Win.  While the challenger backed underdog Cincinnati to Prevail.

Based on the underdogs from Cincinnati getting it done, our Pick ‘Em is settled.

The Winner of Week 13 is

Jomar B


Congratulations Jomar!  What an epic walk off Win, going deeeep into the tiebreakers to wrestle away the crown.  Great job!

Jomar B collects the entire $310 prize pool cash.  Way to go mylady!


For the rest of us, here’s how the week ended:



  1. Jomar B ✔                         11
    Roy M                                  11
  2. Thelma C II                       10
    Mike L                                 10
    TJ                                           10
    Devin L                                10
    Cedano                                10
    Tony A                                 10
    Ralph H                               10
  3. Adam L                                9
    Walter M                             9
    OWL                                      9
    Dannette                             9
    Kirstin C                              9
    Heather G                           9
    B.C. Smart                           9
    Clerinda                               9
    Saundra                               9
    Nicole R                               9
    Tree R                                   9
    Minish D                             9
    Bock                                      9
    Kadash                                 9
    Jen B                                     9
    Nisa D                                  9
    Randy M                             9
    JR                                           9
    S Chupp                              9

2 thoughts on “[Archives] Week 13: And The Winner Is…”

  1. Thank you so much! I’m so happy I won on a tough week at that! Got my money on Wednesday promised. I can’t wait to play again this week.

    1. That may have been the best comeback Win I’ve ever seen – H.O.F stuff. Excellent job Jomar.

      Congratulations on a spectacular Victory!

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