Good Morning everyone.
Let me preface by thanking each and every one of you for participating in the Pick ‘Em this year.
We all know how challenging/crazy/unprecedented a year it’s been – I try to keep that stuff out of these posts (you don’t need a reminder of what’s happening out there) and keep the site’s focus on football.
And while I won’t speak for everyone, I will say that this football pool has been a lot of fun! It’s been a joy to do this with all of you.
I hope the Pick ‘Em has been as entertaining for you as it has been for me.
In my view, things have gone well. Considering that there is (oftentimes) money exchanging hands privately among strangers, it pleases me to say that there have been no mishaps.
Once you Win, you get paid. Every time.
The beauty of this is you don’t even have to know or have met me(!) in order to participate. Anyone is welcome & I do my best to keep everything above board.
In other words, you know what I know as the action unfolds. To me, that’s the best way to do it.
As a final word, there will definitely be a pool next season – same format, same place. So you already know where to find me.
And to make sure you don’t miss out, feel free to email me through the contact form here. I will keep your contact info on file & reach out to you next summer once it’s time to do it again.
I’m hoping for bigger pots next season to shoot at!
Thank you for your time. Let’s get on with it.
Week 15 brings us scheduled ballgames on Saturday, so keep that in mind.
As usual I will post an update after the games finish Saturday Night.
Here is the sheet below:
If you can’t view that file, take a look at this image below
So the way this works is the sheet has to be turned in by Thursday at 3pm.
This is so the field can be compiled and posted before Kickoff of that night’s ballgame (since The League Week begins with the TNF game).
Once the field is posted, we’re locked in. Got it? Good.
New people, see below:
If this is your first time playing Football Pick ‘Em, welcome aboard! Here’s how it works.
All you gotta do is fill out the sheet. You can either download it, print it out, or look at it while you make your selections. Simply pick the Winning team in each of this week’s games.
Also, make sure to select the total combined points that you think will be scored in the Monday Night game. That’s the tiebreaker.
For instance, if you got
Pittsburgh 31
Cincinnati 38 ✔
Then the total combined points would be 69. Got it? Good. If you need more help, just ask & I gotcha.
That’s it. Make your picks and give them to me by Thursday 3p.m. EDT. You can hand them to me, email them, text them (or use smoke signals). Hell, I don’t care. Whatever.
Then enjoy the games. I’ll update the site with the results, so relax and have fun. That’s what it’s all about.
And the money.