[Archives] Week 9: And The Winner Is…

Week 9 has come to a close.

And this was a pretty exciting week folks.

For the second consecutive week we’ve had a packed leaderboard.

The difference is that this time around, the competition truly went down to the wire.  We ended our week with a tie at the top of the leaderboard.

While our lead horse remained at the top throughout the weekend, he eventually did get caught by one determined challenger on Monday Night.

So you know what that means….tiebreakers!

And it was by virtue of the primary (points) tiebreaker that we determined our Champion.

Our Week 9 Champ began Sunday in a four-way logjam at the top after the early games.

By the late game window, our Champ elbowed his way into the top spot all by his lonesome.

Nice work.

By the end of Sunday, only one challenger emerged, ready to pounce in 2nd Place.

This time around, it really did come down to Monday Night!

And in the slimmest of margins, our Champion beat out his primary competitor by four points!

That’s as thrilling a Win as possible: What a photo finish!


So let’s give it up for The Football Pick ‘Em Week 9 Champion

Marc (II)

Congratulations Marc!  That’s a well earned, gritty Win.  Fantastic job!

With his victory, Marc (II) earns the entire $285 pot.

For the rest of us, here’s how Week 9 ended up:



  1. Marc II ✔                         12
    Tony A                               12
  2. Heather G                        11
    Clerinda                           11
    Chrissy L                          11
    Jomar B                            11
    Mike B                               11
    Kadash D                          11
    Joe B                                   11
    Susan F                             11
  3. Beany Y                            10
    Dawn D                             10
    B.C. Smart                        10

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