Welcome to Week 10 my people! Continue reading “[Archives] Week 10 Pick Sheet”
[Archives] Week 9: And The Winner Is…
After such a promising start, the week ended in such an anticlimactic manner. Continue reading “[Archives] Week 9: And The Winner Is…”
[Archives] Week 9 Update: Sunday Night
Whatta wipeout. How much of it did you bother to watch? Continue reading “[Archives] Week 9 Update: Sunday Night”
[Archives] Week 9 Update: Late Games
As expected, the late games have given us clarity. Continue reading “[Archives] Week 9 Update: Late Games”
[Archives] Week 9 Update: Early Games
Since there was no Thursday Night Update (because I was watching election returns) this will be a big one. Continue reading “[Archives] Week 9 Update: Early Games”