Week 3: The Field Is Set

It’s time for Week 3 people.

And I’ve begun to notice a few new folks have jumped on board.

It makes me happy to know that more people have found us and have joined the mix.

But…while compiling this week’s field, I’ve noticed that some of our players could use some pointers to ensure they stay in the running.

Let’s briefly review a couple of things.

Make sure to pick all of the games

Some of our players left a game here and there blank.

While I do contact those folks I know to remind them to pick, the truth is I don’t know everyone involved.  And that’s fine.

But what isn’t okay is to miss a game.  I’m sure it’s an honest mistake, but you don’t want a blank pick to cost ya.

Consider this a friendly heads up to review your sheet before turning it in.  A quick once-over will keep things straight.

Pick the total points scored in the Monday Night game

There will definitely be times during the season when several people are in a position to Win the week.

The primary tiebreaker we use are the Monday Night points total.  That is, the total points scored in the game by both teams.

***This week the total points tiebreaker is for the Washington/Cincinnati game only***

For those points totals over 60, I will cut those totals in half for that game.  If you want to change your points, just give me a shout.


In the event of a tie, the closest pick to the  final score determines the Winner.

An easy way to come up with a score prediction is to picture what you think the final score will be.

For instance, if you think Washington will defeat Cincinnati 31-28, that points total is 59.  Simple enough, right?

You may be surprised how often it boils down to that facet of the competition.

Please use First Name and Last Initial

This helps me out a ton.

Yes, you will notice some players that only go by one name [AHEM!like Otis.

For the most part, this helps to differentiate between players because we have had two Williams.  Or two Seans.  Or two Sarahs.

You get the picture.


Thanks for your ear on that.  On with the show.


This week we have a pool of 43 players shooting at a $215 pot.

Pot’s right.

(for those that don’t know: when wagering moolah, once the pot is considered “right” that means that the Winner can expect to gain that amount.  In other words, the house” is guaranteeing that specific amount in the prize pool.  Regardless of what happens, if you Win you get that money – no excuses)

Here’s this week’s field:



  • the pot is $215
  • there are 43 players (we’ve  been staying pretty steady around that number)
  • there are no unanimous picks this week.  Seems like we’re all still trying to get a sense of what is what this season.
  • the underdog pick this week has three people each taking NYG and Carolina to Win on Sunday.  I’m not sure which is the bolder pick.  Good luck people!
  • the reining Champ is myself.  Sooooo who’s going to take ol Otis down this week, eh?


ANNOUNCEMENT: while I do my best to get each & every pick correct, sometimes I make mistakes.  If I do mess up, just reach out to me (you can leave a comment below the post & I’ll fix it ASAP).  I need to know before the affected game Kicks Off, otherwise, that puts the rest of the field at a competitive disadvantage.  Sound good?


Okay, that’s it.  Enjoy the game everyone.

And good luck.

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